I have been frequently asked questions by people interested in my work and profile. Here’s a FAQ page to help address them.

Q: What's the best venue in your field? 

A: IMO, there isn’t a definitive “best” venue in HCI or XR. While many people might point to CHI or UIST, and sometimes IEEE TVCG, VR, or ISMAR, I personally don’t think the best venue should be defined by popularity alone. That said, I often read papers from these venues, even if some of them can feel a bit uninspiring (no offense!). I imagine some might feel the same way about my papers — and that’s perfectly fine! 😊

Q: Will you consider submitting papers to other venues?

A: I decide where to submit based on the timeline that works best for my project. For example, if I finish a project in late August or early September, I’ll aim for CHI. If the timing doesn’t align, I’ll consider alternatives like IEEE VR. My priority is always selecting venues with the most relevant audience and reviewers who can provide meaningful feedback, regardless of the so-called "prestige".